Schedule Of Events
(Version 2, 20/08/17: old skool version. Tuesday and Wednesday updates coming soon.)
Plymouth Campus Map for: Roland Levinsky Building, Scott, The House, IV Theatre:
Wednesday 16th – Friday 18th:

Off the Lip 2017. 16-18 August
CogNovo Colloquium on Experiences and Applications of Cognitive Innovation.
Friday 18th and Saturday 19th:
Conference Workshop Registration:
Sunday 20th:

Sunday, 9.45-14.30. [minibus]

Registration will be in RLB Crosspoint at 09:30 – 10:00 each day on the 21st-23rd:
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Monday 21st:
LECTURE THEATRE 1: Roland Levinsky Building
10:00 – 10:20: Welcome to Balance-Unbalance 2017
10:20 – 10:40: Can we change direction?
Ricardo Dal Farra
10:40 – 11:20: New Sounds for Non-Formal Music Education:
[translator: Nuria Bonet Filella]
11:20 – 11:40: Break
11:40 – 12:00: Light, Place and Presence.
Michaela French
12:00 – 12:20: Urban abstract – reflections on image, semiotics and awareness.
Julia Heurling
Oli Raud, Ben Neild & Iain Stewart
12:40 – 13:20: Climate and Art: Timescales and Extreme Events.
Guest Speaker: Andrew Kruczkiewicz
13:20 – 14:20: Lunch
14:20 – 14:40: Ecological Sound Art.
Jono Gilmurray
14:40 – 15:00: Listening To Ecological Interference: Renewable Technologies And Their Soundscapes.
Linda O Keeffe.
Cristina Marras, Federica Pau & Roberto Zanata (video and skype)
15:20 – 15:40: Climatic Aesthetic Senses of Place, Feeling and Being.
Louise Boisclair
15:40 – 16:00: Ragatime: the short-lived ascendency of Fatehpur Sikri.
Terry Trickett
16:00 – 16:20: Break.
LECTURE THEATRE 2: Roland Levinsky Building
11:40 – 12-20: Artists Talks.
11:40 – 12:00: Comestible: Seven-Day Meal Plan.
Pat Badani
12:00 – 12:20 M.A.A.R.S. The Atacama’s Journey.
Benjamin Pothier
12:20 – 12:40: A New Order_ Machine After Leonardo.
Camilla Boemio. (by skype)
14:20 – 15:20: Artists Talks.
André Sier
15:20 – 15:40: Listening to the Temporal Complexities of Changing Environments.
Leah Barclay. (by skype)
Alejandro Baranek & Leonardo Belén. (Video and skype)
WORKSHOP/PANELS: Roland Levinsky Building, Room 206/207
14:20 – 17:00: An International Science Technology Engineering Art and Mathematics (STEAM) workshop.
Workshop Moderators: Paul Thomas and Mike Phillips. Panel members: Mike Stubbs, Lucia Arias, Roger Malina, Laura Beloff, Edward Shanken.
WORKSHOPS: Roland Levinsky Building, Room 208/209
Penelope Boyer, Jose Chapa, Carol LaFayette, A&M University, Matthew Eric Mendez, Emily Royall & Luz María Sánchez-Cardona.
Carol Lafayette, Fred Parke, Tatsuya Nakamura and Carl J. Pierce
14:20 – 17:00: All the landscapes you are.
Victoria Douka-Doukopoulou.
FULLDOME SCREENINGS: Immersive Vision Theatre [IVT]
13:20 – 14:20: Screenings:
Snow Yunxue Fu
Andreia Oliveira, Alexandre Montibeller, Cristiano Figueiró, Evaristo Do Nascimento, Fabio Almeida, Matheus Moreno and Muriel Paraboni
13:29 – 13:38: M.A.A.R.S. The Atacama’s Journey.
Benjamin Pothier and Guillaume Lucas
Kate Paxman
François Quévillon
13:50 – 13:58: Surface Tension.
Simon Le Boggit
13:58 – 14:04: Morphology for Microcellular Injection.
Israel Alejandro López García and Fátima Edith Ramírez Domínguez
14:04 – 14:10: Superheroes of the Deep.
Isabella Beyer
14:10 -14:20: TBC
15:00 -16:00: Screenings:
15:00 – 15:40: RCA FullDome Research Group.
Michaela French
Katerina Karoussos
VR Works: Roland Levinsky Building, Room 205 (through 204)
11: 40 – 16:00: M.A.A.R.S. The Atacama’s Journey.
Benjamin Pothier and Guillaume Lucas
11: 40 – 16:00: Human Gaze. VR.
Remzi Yagiz Mungan
18:00-19:00 Wine Reception:
Roland Levinsky Crosspoint
The Cooperage, Royal William Yard, Plymouth PL1 3RP.
Bus 34A from bus-stop A2 and A1 on Royal Parade or 30 minute walk.
20.00-23.00: Conference Meal:
Le Bistrot Pierre, New Cooperage, Plymouth PL1 3RP. (Bookings with registration only).
Tuesday 22nd:
LECTURE THEATRE 1: Roland Levinsky Building
09:40 – 10:20: The Sense of Real.
10:20 – 10:40: [RE]PLACE [RE]CONSTRUCTING SOUNDSCAPES A collaborative socially-engaged sonic art project.Luz Maria Sanchez-Cardona
10:40 – 11:00: The Atlantic Project: After the Future.Tom Trevor
11:00 – 11:20: Water Under Investigation: Artistic Photomicrography as an Alternative Approach to Understanding Issues Related to the Ecological Management of Urban Water Resources.Anastasia Tyurina
11:20 – 11:40: Break
11:40 – 12:00: Hidden Histories of North Devon: Art, Memory, and Environmental Change.
Sophie McCormack, Mark Wallace
12:00 – 12:20: Towards a sustainable Earth. Sustainable Earth Institute.
Iain Stewart.
12:20 – 12:40: Data Play Presentation.Thomas Westrope
12:40 – 13:00: Development and Deployment of Low-Cost Environmental Monitoring Sensors: Some Lessons Learned.Simon Lock
13:00 – 13:20: Mobile Air Quality Monitors.Elixel.
13:20 – 14:20: Lunch
14:20 – 15:00: Transdisciplinary research: Why is it still so rare, and why should we care?
Guest Speaker: Jochen Jaeger & Martin Scheringer.
16:00 – 16:20: Break.
LECTURE THEATRE 2: Roland Levinsky Building
10:20 – 11:20: Artists Talks. TBC
11:40 – 13-20: Artists Talks.
11:40 – 12:00: Waters of the Past: Walking with the Ancients
Tracey Benson & Josiah Jordan
13:00 – 13:20: The Incredible Balancing Act
The League of Imaginary Scientists: Walk-through with Lucy HG Solomon of The Incredible Balancing Act by the League of Imaginary Scientists; 2nd floor viewing space of RLB
POSTER SESSION: 2nd Floor Balcony, Roland Levinsky Building
13: 20 – 14:20: POSTER SESSION: 2nd Floor Balcony, Roland Levinsky Building
SCREENING: Jill Craigie Cinema, Roland Levinsky Building
12:40 – 13:20: ‘Broadmead – The Movie’.
A film by Stanley Donwood and Mat Consume.
Narrated by Lexden Morant.
Music composed and performed by John Matthias and Jay Auborn.
FULLDOME WORKSHOP: IVT/Roland Levinsky Building, Room 210
10:20 – 13:20: FullDome Workshop.
Isabella Buczek, Luke Christison, Coral Manton, Michael Strauebig. Eventbrite Booking,
WORKSHOP/PANELS: Roland Levinsky Building, Room 206/207
11:40 – 13:00: Artistic experiments for contemporary stewardship.
Seila Fernández Arconada and Bernard Fairhurst
WORKSHOPS: Roland Levinsky Building, Room 208/209
FULLDOME SCREENINGS: Immersive Vision Theatre [IVT]
13:20 – 14:20: Screenings:
13:20 -13:28: Surface Tension.
Simon Le Boggit
Kate Paxman
13.34 – 13:39: Super Heroes of the Deep.
Isabella Beyer
François Quévillon
Andreia Oliveira, Alexandre Montibeller, Cristiano Figueiró, Evaristo Do Nascimento, Fabio Almeida, Matheus Moreno and Muriel Paraboni
13:50 – 14:00: M.A.A.R.S. The Atacama’s Journey.
Benjamin Pothier and Guillaume Lucas
14:00 – 14:20: Quantum Consciousness.
Paul Thomas
14:20 – 14:45: Performing Ritual and Embodying the Divine.
Thomas Dick, Kate Genevieve.
14:45 – 15:20: ELDORADO: Iraq 2012 – 2013 (Designed Soundscape, Unity3D Environment).
Edouard Beau
VR Works: Roland Levinsky Building, Room 205 (through 204)
10:20 – 15:00: M.A.A.R.S. The Atacama’s Journey.
Benjamin Pothier and Guillaume Lucas
10:20 – 15:00: Human Gaze. VR.
Remzi Yagiz Mungan
Carol Lafayette, Fred Parke, Tatsuya Nakamura and Carl J. Pierce
15:00- 17:00: The Overview: Leonardo 50th Anniversary Celebration.
Roland Levinsky Building, Room 212.
With, amongst others, Nina Czegledy, Ricardo Dal Farra, Sue Denham, Roger Malina and Paul Thomas.
17:00-23:30: Leonardo 50th Anniversary meal at the Eden Project.
Following the Overview Workshop the Leonardo 50th Anniversary meal will take place at the Eden Project, 19:20- 11:30.
Coach leaves at 17:00. Bookings made at the time of registration only.
Seymour House Camera Obscura. Devonport.
Wednesday. [Shuttle minibus 10.00/11.00/12.00]
LECTURE THEATRE 1: Roland Levinsky Building
09:40 – 10:20: Eco Art: art is life and life is embedded in nature.
Guest Speaker: Nina Czegledy
10:20 – 10:40: Gamification, citizen science and civic engagement: in search of the common good.
Rejane Spitz, Clorisval Pereira Jr, Leonardo Cardarelli Leite, Marcelo Pedruzzi Ferranti, Renan Kogut, Wesley Oliveira, Peter Dam, & Francisco Queiroz.
Tariq Emam
11:00 – 11:20: Rebalancing media in environments: analysing flows of action.
Rocio von Jungenfeld.
11:20 – 11:40: Break
11:40 – 12:00: Turbidity Paintings: Communicating Science Through
the Lens of Art. Sara Gevurtz & Thomas Asmuth.
Tommaso Maggio. 12:20 – 13:20: Eden Panel
Jo Elworthy
13:20 – 14:20: Lunch
14:20 – 15:00: CoLLaboratoire: Activating Ecological Knowledge through Community Design Experiments.
Guest Speaker: Carmela Cucuzzella, with Jean-Pierre Chupin & Sherif Goubran
15:00 – 15:20: Design Uncertain.Pete Davis.
15:20 – 15:40: Information Visualization and Smart Cities – Practices and Cultural Perspectives.Marcilon Melo
15:40 – 16:00: Plenary Session.
16:00 – 16:20: Break.
LECTURE THEATRE 2: Roland Levinsky Building
10:20 – 11:20: Artists Talks.
10:20 – 10:40: ANnIE (Autonomous Nomadic Intelligent Ecosystem), 2017
Byron Rich
10:40 – 11:00: Developing the culture to create a sustainable civilisation.
Ian Clothier
11:00 – 11:20: Superheroes of the Deep.
Isabella Beyer
11:40 – 13-20: Artists Talks.
11.40-12:00: Non-Sense of Place. Three interventions.
Michael Straeubig
12:00 – 12:20: Survival River Series.
Brydee Rood
12:20 – 12:40: Between Minds And Bodies – Listening In The Dance Improvisation.
Klara Lucznick
SCREENING: Jill Craigie Cinema, Roland Levinsky Building
Anastasia Tyurina
14:20 – 15:00: ‘Broadmead – The Movie’.
A film by Stanley Donwood and Mat Consume.
Narrated by Lexden Morant.
Music composed and performed by John Matthias and Jay Auborn.
WORKSHOP/PANELS: Roland Levinsky Building, Room 206/207
10:20 – 13:20 #OurChangingClimate: Community Networks for Global Resilience.
N. Claire Napawan, Sheryl-Ann Simpson, Brett Snyder
14:20 – 15:20: Advances In Eco-Sensing and the Soundscape: A Virtual Panel.
Grant Smith with Eric Leonardson, Linda Keane, Amanda Gutierrez, Lindsey French, Leah Barclay & Norman Long.
15:20 – 16:00: Sense of Remote Places: Reflections from Sound and Environment 2017.Grant Smith, Maria Papadomanolaki & Dawn Scarfe
WORKSHOPS: Bircham Valley Local Nature Reserve
Suzon Fuks and James Cunningham
FULLDOME SCREENINGS: Immersive Vision Theatre [IVT]
13:20 – 13:30: Quantum Consciousness.
Paul Thomas
13:30 – 13:40: ELDORADO: Iraq 2012 – 2013 (Designed Soundscape, Unity3D Environment).
Edouard Beau
Katerina Karoussos
14:00 – 14:20: Of The Spheres.
Thomas Dick, Kate Genevieve.
15:00 – 15:30: RCA FullDome Research Group.
Michaela French
15:30 – 16:00: Scaling data and the Universe.
VR Works: Roland Levinsky Building, Room 205 (through 204)
10: 40 – 16:00: M.A.A.R.S. The Atacama’s Journey.
Benjamin Pothier and Guillaume Lucas
10: 20 – 16:00: Human Gaze. VR.
Remzi Yagiz Mungan
Carol Lafayette, Fred Parke, Tatsuya Nakamura and Carl J. Pierce
WORKSHOP: Open Microphones/Real-Time Audio Streaming.

WORKSHOP: in the UNESCO North Devon Biosphere Reserve.
Flowing with Polynesian Stick Charts in South Meldorn
Rocio von Jungenfeld and Vincent Van Uffelen
9:00-15:00 [minibus]